Committee Vision:

Capture and share existing O&M best practices through regular contact and benchmarking among utilities to maximize the safety, effectiveness, and value of PV technology

Committee Mission:

Maximizing the safety, efficiency, reliability, and value of Solar PV technology through standardization of O&M best practices and performance measures

Committee Products:

The SGC products are:

  • Solar Information Database - Collection of data from Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) that enables users the flexibility to perform customized data analytics to compare performance amongst peers
    • Safety
    • Cost Efficiency Measures - $O&M/kw/MW
    • Capacity Factors
    • Performance Ratio — Actual Energy/Expected Energy
    • Availability
    • Energy Yield Ratio
  • Data Repository - Provides reference materials that contains information on topics regarding Operations and Maintenance of Solar facilities
  • Solar O&M Best Practices — Knowledge sharing with industry professionals to improve safety, efficiencies, and value of PV technology
  • Data Integrity Reviews — Provides a platform to validate data consistency amongst members and arms members with a high level of confidence to share results with benchmark sponsors

Committee Services:

The SGC offers an agenda for spring and fall workshops that consists of topics identified by Committee members and tracked for future reference. SGC members present materials at both conferences and seek an interactive audience to help identify issues and enhance performance of solar assets.

SGC has identified key objectives (listed below) that are used to drive the topics of discussion during ongoing online meetings.

  • Sharing of knowledge to optimize Asset Management and O&M best practices
  • Standardize KPI's to enable consistency among Solar utilities
  • Maximize safety, efficiencies, and value of PV technology
  • Support PV Solar utility learning
  • Benchmarking PV Solar financial performance while maintaining utility anonymity
  • Initially focus on O&M issues with the possibility to expand to asset life cycle issues

The Solar Information Database is updated annually and contains cost, performance, and safety data for Solar Generating Plants. This web-based application allows members to upload data directly into the database; to create and download data sets based on standard or user-defined query criteria; and to print standard reports.

All EUCG members have access to a "members only" section of the EUCG website, where SGC members will find links to workshop presentations, the Solar Information Database, and to the Solar Forum on EUCG message board. The Solar Generation Forum allows members to post questions and other requests for information.

Committee Leadership:

Solar Committee Chair
Billy Sabin
Tennessee Valley Authority

Solar Committee Vice Chair
Andrew Goebel
CenterPoint Energy

Committee Membership Categories and Fee Structure:

Solar Committee Fee Structure Data Members* Forum Members Alliance Members
    Solar Committee Fee $ 5,400 + $ 10 per MW $ 5,400 $ 10,800

* Includes registration for one person attendance at each of the biannual workshops.

Data Members: Those members who provide data per the annual schedule.
Forum/Member Owner: Owners or co-owners who do not operate commercial plants
Alliance Member: Related industry organizations or businesses

Committee Annual Planning Calendar:

  • Request for data distributed in January of each year
  • Database submittals due April - May
  • Responses to special interest surveys are typically due four weeks after survey distribution

Promotional Materials: