EUCG's Fall 2021 Virtual Workshop Wrap-Up

We want to thank all of you that attended our Fall 2021 Virtual Workshop. Although we all hoped we would have been together in-person by now, our virtual workshops have continued to be a great success. We had 247 attendees for this event, which made this the largest workshop in the 48 year history of EUCG!

The keynote panel discussion on "Managing and Mitigating Security Threats" was a great inside look at challenges utilities are facing in order to detect, deter, prevent and respond to all types of threats, particularly in the cyber realm. Our panel of experts included the Vice President of Corporate Security & Properties, from PSEG, the Chief Information Security Officer, from PSEG, and a Special Agent from the FBI. The information shared and lessons learned provided, are the hallmarks of EUCG and its workshops.

Thanks to our virtual meeting technology, WebEx, we were able to have a complete schedule of committee sessions. We want to thank all of the presenters for the extra time they took for training, to make sure that the sessions went smoothly.

Thank you to everyone that completed the Attendee Survey. You can access the results of the survey here.

We are now beginning our preparations for the Spring 2022 Workshop. We will be back, in-person, April 24-27, 2022 at the wonderful Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. EUCG was in San Antonio in 2018 and it was a great city with the historic Riverwalk filled with shops and restaurants that are steps away from the hotel.

Due to the success of the virtual meetings, the EUCG Board of Directors has decided that the Spring 2022 will by a Hybrid Workshop whereby your registration fee will bundle both your in-person registration fee and an unlimited number of other members of your company to attend that specific committee sessions at no additional charge. The bundled virtual registration will allow members of your company to attend that would not normally be approved for travel to the workshop, but can still participate virtually at no additional charge. The in-person experience of an EUCG Workshop can not been matched virtually. The networking, camaraderie, and energy are second to none. However, we believe the wider audience gained by adding a virtual component will make the entire workshop experience better than ever!

See you in San Antonio!