
The Electric Utility Cost Group (EUCG) was formed in 1973 when a small group of United States utility representatives from the nuclear construction area came together to compare performance data, identify best practices, and share lessons learned. Early meetings focused on sharing information with each other to help companies improve performance and save costs.

EUCG has expanded its membership to include both national and international companies in the areas of nuclear, fossil, and hydroelectric power generation as well as transmission and distribution and information technology for electric utilities. EUCG core products and services have evolved to include databases of both cost and operational performance metrics. In recent years, EUCG has expanded to include offerings to combined cycle and combustion turbine installations.

EUCG prides itself on being a member-driven organization, meaning products and services are defined by and improved with the input from the members and as a result remain timely and relevant. The association is organized into committees in company-like structures of Fossil, Hydro, Solar, Nuclear, and Transmission and Distribution. Each committee sets its own agenda for future workshops based on needs and wants of the membership. Presentations, surveys, and working groups are focused on topics of priority to the members.

EUCG has semi-annual workshops in the spring and fall of each year that are attended by a mix of both corporate and plant personnel. Member representatives may have technical or business backgrounds and range in positions from engineers and accountants to directors and vice presidents in the business areas of finance, business planning, performance improvement and other roles found in the typical energy company structure. A large number of the most recognized and respected national and international utility companies send representatives to each of the EUCG workshops. Agenda topics are identified by members, and presented by both members and experts of other industries that have valuable information to offer on the general topics of cost planning/budgeting, performance efficiency. and other aspects of the utility business.

Agenda planners pay close attention to the current industry environment and consistently offer information that will help workshop delegates understand their roles in the industry and educate them about issues that will strengthen their positions and knowledge levels. Current major changes in the industry drive agenda topics. EUCG is committed to sponsoring and offering services and products that will increase efficiency and provide information to take its members successfully into the next generation of a regulated/deregulated market.