**Please note each committee database site has a new URL. The Hydroelectric Committee Database Web Site can be accessed at http://committee.eucg.org/hydro/login.aspx **

Committee Vision:

The Hydroelectric Productivity Committee (HPC) will provide the standard in the hydroelectric industry for energy performance information.

Committee Mission:

The HPC will provide comparative operating and maintenance performance information on hydroelectric facilities and provide forums for members to optimize performance.

Objectives for the HPC include:

  • To maintain and improve a hydroelectric Operating and Maintenance database which allows comparative analysis and performance information.
  • To build and maintain database participation to a statistically significant level in each group or class.
  • To provide effective products that present and exchange information focused on optimizing members' processes and business performance.

Committee Products:

The products of the HPC are a database, best practices review and peer exchange symposiums. The database, which contains HPC member facility information on about 350 hydro plants and 70,000 MW capacity is managed by a third party contractor.

Committee Services:

The HPC maintains a cost and performance database on approximately 350 plants. The spring and fall workshops provide an opportunity to share best practices. Leading Performers and the drivers of their performance are identified at the fall workshop. On a biennial basis the committee sponsors a plant management symposium at which operations and maintenance issues are discussed.

Committee Leadership:

Hydro Committee Chair
Heather McDowell
Seattle City Light

Committee Coordinator
Jim Miller
Signal Hydropower Consultants, LLC.

Committee Guidance Documents:

The HPC User Guide and Data Catalog provide committee policies and procedures along with data submission requirements.

Committee Membership Categories and Fee Structure:

Hydroelectric Committee Fee Structure Data Members Alliance Members
    Hydroelectric Committee Fee $ 6,750 $ 10,200
Total Membership Fee per annum $ 6,750 $ 10,200

Data Members: Those members who provide data per the annual schedule.
Alliance Member: Related industry organizations or businesses

Committee Database/Members Only:

Click here to access the committee database and other members-only information.

Promotional Materials: